If you are looking for general information on troubleshooting QLab, rather than specific to The Cat in the Hat, then click here.

If you are looking for general information on troubleshooting QLab, rather than specific to The Cat in the Hat, then click here.

Cat in the Hat audio manual
Version 2/11/2018


Note, there is a more general guide to troubleshooting QLab here, which focuses on QLab v4 which displays the error messages slightly differently than as displayed below.

QLab indicates most common problems by putting a red cross next to any cue that has a problem. The red cross looks like this:


If you hover your mouse pointer over the red cross it tells you what the problem is. However most of the time it will display this:

“A cue inside the group is broken” 

So we need to look inside the Group at the broken cue.

You’ll see that each cue is inside a light purple rectangle. This rectangle is a Group. It’s just a way of keeping things tidy in the cuelist.


You’ll notice a small triangle to the left of AFTER BIG BALL MUSIC ON. Click on it.

Now you can see the contents of each Group, and you can see that there are red crosses next to “5 after ball.aif” and “idea bell 1.wav”

Hover your mouse over the red cross next to “5 idea ball.aif”

It will show either:

This indicates QLab is not routed to a sound card.

Follow the instructions on setting up QLab here.

Or it will show:

This indicates QLab cannot find the audio files. 

Check that you copied the audio files as described here

QLab shows you where it thinks the audio files should be. Check the audio files are in this location.

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